Teaching Timeless Torah Truths


IF … you would understand your original design, how would that effect your life? D’vorah Berkowitz explores with us this question. You will see what a ‘nefesh chayah’ is. The importance to understand that God created man in His own image (Gen 1:27). And that He created a perfect fitting environment for him. For the man to be comfortable in that environment.
Join the study sessions at TRI Holland or dive in the recordings.


It was true in the days of Moses. It was still true in the days of Yeshua and …. the Torah is still true today. If you want to gain a greater depth of understanding of Yeshua, as well as how we were created to live this is a place of help for you.

Torah Portion

The Torah portions and the Haftara. With commentary from Briteinu.

Mordechai & Esther’s choice

Yo’el Berkowitz connects the story of poerim with the instructions for worship in Leviticus 1 – 5. He shows the difference between Haman and Mordechai and explains how Ephesians 2 and 3 connects to the asham (guilt offering) of Yeshua. 40 MB mp3 recording. Length 80 min. Available on TRI-Holland webshop.
go to download

7 Questions.

At the Arab-Jewish reconciliation conference in The Netherlands in 2007 participants wrote answers on the following questions:
1. What is the Promised Land?
2. What are the geographical borders?
3. To whom does the Promised Land belong?
4. When will the full recovery of the Land take place?
5. Is the Promised Land limited to the Covenant people of Israel?
6. Does the Church have a role?
7. What are the implications for the major conflicts of today?
This is what they wrote.

Counting the days

After Pesach starts the counting of the days. What was Gods goal to let us count that period until Shavuot? And, when do you start counting?  Ariel Berkowitz answers these and other questions and explains this omer-counting in a video of 50 min.. The video can be downloaded from the TRI-Holland webshop via this link.

What did take place in the Garden?
We will explore the original story of creation. You will see what our Father’s original design and intention was for His entire creation. And you will learn to know yourself as his child – created in our Father’s image. This deeper understanding of His design gives insight into who you are created to be. What is your purpose and how you are created to see others and the world.
This story has the power to cause a paradigm shift to live your life as your Creator intended ~ in the beginning . . . Available on torahtruths.com as ‘Sitting Rooms’.

 ..to be like a tree..

….  firmly planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season …. How does that happen?

Psalm 1:2 says … his delight is in the Torah of the LORD, And in His Torah he meditates day and night. Below find a few things you can do:

A different gospel?

What about Sha’ul’s Letter to the Galatians? Are the practices of the first five books of the Bible prohibited for believers in Yeshua. Or …  does the Torah has a meaningful place in the everyday life of the believer? Let’s look at it.

Saint or Sinner?

Who are you? ‘Just’ a sinner saved by grace? A sinner without hope but now clothed with the righteousness of Yeshua? Or …. a Saint saved by grace? Your basic identity has been changed completely.

Should, Must or Have To?

The use of such words tends to open the door wide to legalism taking over.

The Torah is not about a way of salvation through obedience to its commandments. No, the Torah shows us how a redeemed person lives.

Read the 3-page document